Rachel Gorman

Executive Coach / Facilitator


Rachel is an executive coach, speaker and master facilitator, who connects with people at all levels, questioning the status quo and inspiring her clients to do the same. She infuses both a calm focus and an enthusiastic energy into the client experience. People and businesses thrive from her open, engaging approach.

Practical research, models and tools are shared to encourage new thinking and behaviors that drive results and move people from surviving to thriving. Small shifts strengthen abilities, relationships, engagement, and work-life satisfaction. With moment-to-moment mindfulness, she helps people recommit to the best version of themselves.

Rachel’s clients benefit from her being a committed lifelong learner. She is an avid reader on relevant subjects which keeps her industry knowledge on the cutting edge. Her commitment to ongoing education and growth increases her ability to connect with her clients.

Rachel was a pioneer in living a minimalist lifestyle, long before the Tiny Home movement became hip. Living small in NYC, she has learned what to keep and what to discard. This mindset is valuable in her work with clients, helping them focus on what is of the utmost importance, and what detritus they can rid themselves of in life. She encourages clients to
zoom in and focus on their deepest values which generates meaningful change and impact.

She is sought after by numerous global clients in a wide variety of sectors and industries. She has an MA in Social Science and extensive post graduate training.

She lives in NYC with her husband and teenage son.